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Case Study

Empowering the Next Generation: FFA's Skill Development Campaign

18 October 2023
Empowering the Next Generation: FFA's Skill Development Campaign

At Visual Domain, our longstanding partnership with the Football Federation Australia (FFA) has been one of growth and achievement. We recently collaborated with the FFA to produce a compelling TV commercial featuring the Matildas, with Sam Kerr. Our goal was to engage and inspire children, fostering their love for soccer and raising awareness of the upcoming World Cup. 

Our collaboration with the FFA is more than producing content; it's about creating meaningful experiences and moulding the future of Australian soccer. As we look ahead, we're excited about more exciting projects and partnerships.

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FFA Skill's Development - 7-Part Video Campaign

We teamed up with FFA to create there recent 7 Part Skill Development Videos Campaign. Designed to engage young soccer enthusiasts, this initiative aims to nurture their skills and generate excitement for the upcoming World Cup.

"The Football Australia Core Skills videos have been designed as a visual resource for teachers in primary and secondary schools, the videos make designing a football program or a practical football session simple but effective using the FA’s 4 Core, Dribbling / Running with the ball / Striking the ball and 1V1s skills."


The Challenge

As we continued to work closely with the FFA, a new challenge emerged. The FFA expressed a desire to additionally create content towards a more educational direction, focusing on equipping kids with practical skills and knowledge to enhance their soccer experience.


The Solution

In response to this challenge, we embarked on a journey to develop a set of comprehensive skills development and coaching training assets.

Working closely with the FFA's skills and coaching team, our mission was to create content specifically tailored for children, aimed at enhancing their soccer skills through practical examples and engaging exercises.

This resulted in 7 videos that focusing on 4 Core Skills that have been broken down into basic and easy-to-understand tutorial videos aligning with Football Australia’s grassroots national curriculum framework.



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"Visual Domain created these simple and engaging videos to easily guide teachers to deliver the basic principles of football to over 110 schools and over 10,000 students throughout Australia.”

Joe Murphy, Marketing Manager - Community & Game Development - Football Australia


Empowering the Next Generation: FFA's Skill Development Campaign