The official blog of Australian video production company Visual Domain

Video Production: Everything You Need to Know About Creating A Video

Written by Emily Waugh | Apr 19, 2023 8:00:00 PM

Video isn’t the future of marketing – it’s the present. Video marketing is already creating a good ROI for 87% of marketers.

Why is video such a popular and effective marketing tool? Because it does everything marketers want. It engages, tells a story, and can touch our emotions.

But only if it’s done right. And to do it right, you need to understand the medium.

So we’ve created this video production services guide for brands looking to publish video content. Read on to understand the process, the benefits, and how you can get started.

The Video Production Process

Both short and long-form video content goes through the same five processes. They are:

  1. Research and development
  2. Pre-production
  3. Production
  4. Post-production
  5. Marketing and promotion

Research and Development

The first stage is similar to all marketing campaigns, such as email or TV marketing. You need to pinpoint your audience, your message, and your approach. Decisions made at this stage shape the entire process, giving each team a cohesive direction.


Pre-production is where the process becomes more unique to video. Teams will start nailing down the details, often beginning with a script.

From there, they will take steps toward creating the content. This usually includes finding shooting locations, if not using a studio. Teams then audition actors to find the right talent to tell the story.


Production means creating the content itself. It involves cinematographers, directors, and actors working together to film the content. Depending on the content, shooting can take just a day or several weeks.


With the raw content completed, post-production starts. Here, teams turn hours of footage into short, snappy pieces of content.

The cutting team isolates the best shots, piecing them together to convey the most powerful message possible. The VFX team adjusts everything from transitions to colouring to make the video pop. And the sound team creates a unique piece of sound design that adds to the tone and message.

Marketing and Promotion

Finally, the completed project goes through marketing and promotion. Marketers push out the content to the intended audience on their chosen platforms.

Campaign Analysis

Then comes a crucial step that’s not technically part of the production process. But it’s vital to marketing success.

The analysis stage looks at the ROI of the video content. Advanced AI reports back on engagement with the video. The data reveal stats such as:

  • Total views
  • Types of consumers reached
  • Types of consumers that engaged with the content
  • Conversion rates
  • Types of consumers that converted
  • At which point consumers stopped watching
  • Most successful platforms for engagement

Marketing teams will then review these data points to inform their next campaign. By identifying what worked and why, their next video campaign will be even more successful.

Benefits of Creating Video Content

Is such a labour-intensive process worthwhile? Absolutely.

Under any marketing buzzword you can think of – engagement, reach, conversion – video content performs spectacularly. But all marketing can deliver these results with the right team and budget.

What makes the video stand out is how it appeals to people. TikTok is now the most downloaded social media app in the world. It’s an app exclusively for video content.

This demonstrates that consumers don’t just want videos, they like them. They spend their downtime watching them. The best marketers know how to slip into that part of their day.

Even long-form videos not meant for social media can be more powerful than written content. Videos allow you to cram in more information, particularly visually. And 90% of our information absorption is visual.

Video is also the most effective medium for creating a brand image. Your choice of visuals, colours, music, and the tone of the content convey as much information as the script does. The more consistent your video style becomes, the more your target audience will understand and connect with your brand.


What to Look for in Video Production Services

Now that you understand the process and all the reasons video is taking the world by storm, what should you do about it? There’s no need to start from scratch in-house when there are expert video production teams ready to help you!

Working with video production services lets you reap all the benefits of their expertise. You also get access to their incredible resources. This includes the best camera and editing equipment, AI technology, and professional cinematographers.

But how can you find the right team for your needs? The key is choosing an end-to-end solution.

Full service video production teams cover more than pre, post, and production. They come in at the beginning, helping you create and fine-tune your vision in the development stage. And at this first step, they can share all their insights on content creation styles and approaches.

Then they handle all the production, bringing your vision to life. Once your video content goes live, they'll sit down with you again to restart the process.

End-to-End Video Solutions

Video content is the most crucial pillar of marketing today. No other medium conveys masses of information in just a few seconds, and in a way consumers enjoy.

But video tech is always changing! You need an end-to-end video production services team that not only creates, but keeps you ahead of the game. When the next best thing comes out, such as AI videos, the best teams are already planning your next campaign.

Visual Domain is that team. For everything from TikToks to AI tech, we’ve got you covered. Chat with us now to see where we can take you.