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Mastering Your On-Camera Wardrobe With Our Do’s and Don'ts

Written by marketing | May 22, 2024 10:00:00 PM

Lights, camera, wardrobe! The right outfit can make or break your on-camera appearance. Whether you're shooting a YouTube video, presenting on Zoom, or hosting a webinar, your wardrobe plays a crucial role in how you're perceived. Get it wrong, and you could distract or detract from your message. Get it right, and you'll command attention and beem confidence. In this guide, we're sharing our top do's and don'ts for on-camera attire to help you nail your next video appearance.


Why does your on-camera wardrobe matter?

When you're on camera, your appearance is one of the first things people notice. The way you dress can impact the credibility and authority you project, influence how engaged your audience is, and even affect the overall quality of your video. A well-chosen outfit helps you look professional, approachable, and polished. It can also minimise distractions and ensure the focus stays where it should, which is on you and your message.


Do's for On-Camera Wardrobe

Do Choose Solid Colors

Solid colours work best on camera because they are less distracting and create a clean, professional look. Neutral tones, such as blues, greys, and blacks, are generally safe choices. Avoid overly bright or fluorescent colours that can reflect light and cause glare.


Do Consider Your Background

Before you select your outfit, think about the background where you'll be filming. You want your clothing to contrast enough to avoid blending in, but not so much that it clashes. Aim for a harmonious balance between you and your setting.


Do Keep Accessories Minimal

While a statement piece can add personality, overdoing accessories can be distracting on camera. Stick to a few simple pieces like a watch or stud earrings. Avoid noisy jewellery that could interfere with your microphone or cause unwanted noise.


Do Dress for the Occasion

Consider the context of your appearance. If you're presenting in a business setting, opt for business attire. If it's a casual vlog, dress to match the intended vibe of the video. The main key is to look appropriate for the setting without underdressing or overdressing.


Do Test Your Outfit on Camera

Before you go live or start recording, do a test run to see how your outfit looks on camera. This will help you catch any issues with colours, patterns, or fit, allowing you to adjust before it's too late.

Check out more of our tips at 2 minutes and 12 seconds of the video below.

Don'ts for On-Camera Wardrobe

Don't Wear Busy Patterns

Patterns like stripes, checks, or polka dots can create a moiré effect on camera, which can be distracting and unprofessional. Stick to solid colours or simple textures for a cleaner look.


Don't Overdo Makeup or Grooming Products

While it's essential to look polished, heavy makeup or excessive hair products can appear unnatural on camera. Keep makeup light and natural, and avoid shiny or greasy hair products that might reflect light.


Don't Forget About Comfort

If you're uncomfortable in your outfit, it will show on camera. Avoid clothes that are too tight, itchy, or restrict your movement. Choose fabrics that breathe and allow you to feel at ease during long shoots or presentations.


Don't Ignore the Details

Small details can make a big difference on camera. Check for wrinkles, loose threads, or stains on your clothes. Ensure your hair is tidy and your collar or tie is straight. A little attention to detail can go a long way when you want to give off a polished appearance.


With these do's and don'ts, you're on your way to dominating your on-camera wardrobe. Remember, the key is to find a balance between looking professional, feeling comfortable, and avoiding distractions. By following these tips, you'll be ready to make a lasting impression in your next video or presentation. If you are ready to create your next engaging piece of video content, look no further than our team of creative experts. Contact us today, and let’s make your idea become a reality.