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Key Elements of a Successful Product Video | Visual Domain

Written by Emily Waugh | Jun 13, 2022 3:00:00 AM

Did you know that nine million Australian households participated in online shopping in 2021? Compared to 2020, it was over 57% higher! A high-quality product video can make it or break it for your company since technology helps people choose products and services they think will work best for them.

How do you go about creating a product video that shines a light on your company and how it beats out other competitors? Luckily, we have put together a complete guide that will go over four ways you can build a product video. We'll also highlight how a video production team can help you find success, so keep reading for more information!

1. Keep Your Message Concise

Researchers found that the attention spans of college students averaged between 21 and 22 minutes. On the internet, attention spans are shortened to seven to ten minutes. Needless to say, an effective product video is short, concise, and engaging. 

There is no need for long-winded descriptions and technical details; your new customers can look that up on your web page. Instead, keep your product video concise, emphasizing how your product aligns with your brand. Including product, testimonials can boost brand awareness by helping new customers see your company as reputable.  

2. Use Attention-Grabbing Visuals

On a 100-point scale, studies found that incorporating videos helped students improve test scores by as much as five points. Although you aren't trying to boost test scores, videos are critical to helping gather new customers.

In the long run, developing a broader consumer base helps increase sales. Don't be afraid to add animation, or unique backdrops, or even include surprise guests to try out your product, such as social media influencers. 

3. How Does Your Product Solve a Problem?

A compelling product video helps point out a problem and a solution. The solution should always be your product.

If your product is a service, talk about customer testimonials and showcase what you do. If the solution is a product, use it in real-time, and highlight one to two key points you want your viewers to remember. 

4. Use High-Quality Production and Editing

This point cannot be emphasized enough: high-quality production and editing are key to building brand awareness and a successful product video. It starts in the pre-production process. You will want to review your goals, setup, target audience, and much more. 

Production and editing fine-tune your video, adding visual or auditory effects, eliminating dead air, and making the video more appealing for your customers. Nearly 90% of customers make purchases based on video content, so the end product must be unique and attractive. 

Using a Product Video To Build Brand Awareness

A product video helps you broaden your consumer base, build brand awareness, and ultimately increase revenue. Your videos need to be high-quality content production that targets specific populations and highlights why your product outweighs competitors. 

There is a lot to consider when it comes to a product video, and Visual Domain is here to help. Contact us today and find out how we can be a partner in building your brand's awareness through quality video content.