The official blog of Australian video production company Visual Domain

6 Ways To Have Your Product Stand Out This Black Friday

Written by Emily Waugh | Nov 2, 2022 9:00:00 PM

Since 6.8 million Australians plan on doing some serious shopping this Black Friday, it's important to get your business noticed. Making your best products stand out amidst the competition can get people through your doors and ultimately convert to sales.

Here, we're going to talk about how you can entice people into buying your products this Black Friday. Read on for some tips on how to use video to reel in as many customers as possible... no pun intended.

1. Set Black Friday Goals

Before you begin a marketing campaign, it's important to note what you hope to get out of it. This means setting realistic, quantifiable, relevant, and measurable goals. You need to be able to reach goals with effort and you need to be able to track them to measure success.

Some goals might include:

  • Selling 500 units of (x specific product) throughout the day on Black Friday
  • Turning a $10,000 profit across Black Friday
  • Increasing last year's Black Friday sales by 15%
  • Getting 200 people to sign up for Black Friday promotional codes
  • Getting 90% higher impressions on your video content throughout November

Once you establish your goals, make a to-do list and research your customers.


2. Market Top Products With Video Content

One thing to identify when setting your goals is what your top-selling products are. These are the items that you should place at the centre of your marketing strategy.

Over 72% of consumers cite video as their preferred way to learn about products. This makes sense when you consider that we remember 80% more of what we see than what we read.

Video content is one of the best ways to showcase products. You can use explainer testimonials to talk about how they can help consumers reach goals and resolve pain points. You can also film the products in action so that people feel confident in their purchasing decisions.

3. Optimize for Your Target Audience

Your target audience is determined by the products that you're looking to sell. You can figure out who you're marketing to with Google Analytics, past statistics, leads that you've gathered, and who follows you on social media.

Determine what these users want to see in online videos. Some industries like B2B may like more intense explainers while other B2C businesses may prefer fun and memorable animation. Tailor your marketing to your target market to maximize engagement.


4. Use Multiple Types of Video

There are many video types that you can use for marketing, including:

  • Brand stories
  • Explainers
  • Animated graphics
  • Product videos
  • Personalized content
  • Interactive media

Make sure to use multiple strategies to maximize your impact.

5. Engage in Cross-Platform Video Marketing

You can also increase engagement by marketing on multiple platforms. Your website and blog are great places to start, but it's also important to reach people on social media. Facebook and Instagram Reels are critical, as are TikTok and YouTube.


6. Showcase Deals and Promotions

Finally, create a sense of urgency in your Black Friday video marketing. Let people know about the specific Black Friday deals that you're offering and how limited these promotions are.

Talk about why people need to get into your store or order off your website as soon as it opens on 25 November. This will get people through your doors quicker so you can sell more products.

Take Your Product Marketing Game Up a Notch

Now that you know how to make your products stand out this Black Friday, it's time to talk to Visual Domain about creating videos that showcase them.

Our experts are excited to help you show off your top items and sell them to the right people. Order a video package today to boost engagement, express your brand personality, and get high conversions.