The official blog of Australian video production company Visual Domain

5 Best Practices for Running a Successful Influencer Campaign

Written by Emily Waugh | Feb 21, 2023 8:00:00 PM


What if your best marketing tool is the one you'd least suspect?

Social media influencers play a major role in how consumers buy products and services. In fact, almost half of all consumers rely on influencer recommendations to power their purchases.

Despite this, very few businesses have ever used an influencer marketing campaign, and even fewer understand how to make it work. Ready to make your own influencer marketing initiative a success? Keep reading to discover what you need to do!

1. Understand Your Audience and Your Goals

Before you can begin a proper influencer marketing campaign, you need to understand two things: your audience and your goals. To begin with, it's only by knowing who your primary demographics are that you can select an influencer that will resonate with these groups.

You also need to define your digital marketing campaign goals. And whether you are trying to build brand awareness, increase conversions, or everything in between, you need to develop measurable KPIs.


2. Determine Your Campaign Type

Your campaign goals should play a large influence on the type of campaign you create. For example, sponsored content and guest posting are great ways to build brand awareness. Meanwhile, direct influencer mentions and special contests are a great way to drive sales.

Keep in mind that certain influencers may be more effective at one kind of campaign than another, so you should make your decision accordingly. And certain campaign types may work better on platforms like TikTok rather than more traditional social media channels.

3. Begin Narrowing Down Influencers

Once you have the basics of your influencer marketing strategy pinned down, you must dive into the hard part. In this case, "the hard part" refers to choosing the best influencer for your particular goals and brand.

There are many ways to narrow things down, but the best methods involve finding influencers that align with your brand. For each influencer, make sure you research their typical content (relevant hashtags can help with this) and their primary demographics (check to see who is engaging with them online) to find somebody who will be a good long-term fit.


4. Pitch to the Influencers

You may think you have the perfect influencer picked out, but keep in mind that you'll need to successfully pitch them on the idea. On the most basic level, this means convincing the influencer that they will get something important out of partnering with you.

To this end, make sure to share your brand's story with the chosen influencers and detail why you are so passionate about what you have to offer customers. If you can win the right influencer over, then you'll be in business.

5. Constantly Measure Your Results

Remember when we touched on the importance of developing concrete campaign goals and KPIs? Throughout the course of the influencer marketing campaign, it's important to measure each KPI.

Depending on the metrics, you may change campaign goals, types, or even the influencer you use. The most important thing is finding the best way to build your brand.


Make the Most of Your Influencer Marketing Campaign Today!

Now you know how to run a successful influencer marketing campaign. An effective campaign involves fine-tuning your audience, isolating specific goals, teaming up with the right influencers, and measuring your results throughout the campaign.

But do you know who can help you really make it shine? Here at Visual Domain, we specialise in creating the best video content. To see what we can do for your campaign, just contact us today!